November RNA Board Meeting

Below is the agenda for the November 14th board meeting. The expanded document is available here. Roseway Neighborhood Association Agenda: 7:00-7:05     Introductions7:05-7:40     Presentations and Q&A on Residential Infill Project (see City update below)7:40-7:50     Discussion, possible vote on Roseway's stance on the Residential Infill Project. 7:50-7:55     Treasurer's Report7:55-8:05    Votes on:- Authorizing an additional payment of $2,000 to Portland Parks & Recreation for the 2017 concert at Glenhaven Park- Authorizing payment of $150 to Catherine Clark for donuts and pizza for volunteers at 10/21 tree-planting- Whether Roseway supports a proposed project at the Dharma Rain Center (see below)8:05-8:25     Reports regarding (4 minutes each, unfortunately):- CNN (Catherine Wilson & Nancy)- LUTOP, including Sandy Blvd Corridor Study (Margaret, Bob and, if necessary, Britt)- Crime Prevention (Judith)- Tree Team (Catherine Clark)- Housing/Homelessness (Britt)8:25-8:30     Roseway January meetings- Schedule January annual planning meeting- Proposed agenda items for January 2018 public Roseway meeting on Tuesday, 01/09/18* Vote on whether Roseway supports a proposed beverage tax* Presentation on the proposed Just Energy Transition ballot measure* Presentation on Rose Quarter transportation project


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