Roseway 72nd Avenue Park Blocks Volunteer Tree Pruning

Third Monday of the month:May 19, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 72nd & FailingJune 16, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 72nd & SkidmoreJuly 21, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 72nd & Mason• Learn How to Prune Trees• Work with City Arborists to Prune Trees• Have Fun and Meet your Neighbors

    Meet your neighbors, have fun and help prune the trees along the NE 72ndAvenue Park Blocks. Portland Parks & Recreation and the RosewayNeighborhood Association will offer three hands-on pruning workshops toprune 80 young trees along NE 72nd Avenue from Sandy to Prescott Street.Planted in 2003, the trees are now fully established and need to be prunedfor safety, low branches and structure.No pruning experience is necessary. Portland Parks & Recreation arboristswill teach basic pruning techniques, and help supervise the pruning. Toregister for this workshop contact Karl Dawson with Portland Parks &Recreation at 503-823-1650 or Join us for thefull two hours, or as long as you can.Light snacks and refreshments provided.If you have any questions about your street trees, please call Portland Parks & Recreation City Nature for a street tree inspection at 503-823-4489. City tree inspectors are available to assess your street trees, and issue pruning, planting or tree removal permits.Sponsored by Portland Parks & Recreation and the Roseway Neighborhood Association


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