Recap of the Jan 23 Community Meeting and Candidate Forum

Many thanks to the District 3 candidates, and to our neighbors who joined in-person or on Zoom for Portland District 3’s first-ever candidate forum. The forum was the centerpiece of our community meeting, which also included a summary of the Roseway Neighborhood Association’s 2023 accomplishments, updates from committees, and a presentation by Southeast Uplift district coalition office about how neighborhood associations, district coalition offices, and the new district councilors fit together.

Topics for the candidate forum included neighborhood involvement, affordable housing, empty storefronts, and general livability. We had to keep questions and answers brief since we had a nearly-unprecedented eight candidates for the forum, but candidates were exceptionally respectful of the time limits, so we ended up with some time to take questions from the in-person audience.

Candidates were invited based on the City of Portland’s list of candidates who, as of Dec 31, had filed a Notice of Intent to run under the Small Donor Elections in the 2024 election. The candidates in attendance were

Candidate forum

Candidates and attendees

RNA and Recovery Café Roseway also hosted a meet-and-greet with the candidates prior to the meeting. The candidates had a great time meeting neighbors from Greater Roseway, and in many cases, meeting each other for the first time. Several of them went to dinner afterward to get to know each other better.

For those who missed the meeting or want to review something they missed, it is available on YouTube. We had a great turn-out with 150 attendees, roughly 50 of which were on Zoom. There will be more candidate forums in the coming months. RNA will share the ones that we hear about. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay tuned in.

At the sign-in table, we had a basket for questions, and we received questions online. We have forwarded the questions to the candidates and will post their responses when we have received all of them.

Mark your calendars and please join us for our other 2024 community meetings on April 23, July 23, and October 22.


District 3 Candidate Responses


Board Meeting - Jan 9