Legislative Alert: Illegal Street Takeovers

The materials below were developed by Roseway Neighborhood Association board member David Moskowitz from publicly available information found on the Oregon Legislative Website.

Oregon Legislative Advisory: Illegal street takeovers and Street Racing

The 2023 Oregon Senate has introduced and passed a bill that beefs up the crime of illegal “street racing” in response to neighborhood and community outrage at the impact of these criminal activities during the summer of 2022.

Senator Chris Gorsek of Troutdale, OR introduced Senate Bill 615 (SB 615) in the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session.

The bill was heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 9 during a public hearing and was passed out of committee after a work session by a 4 to 1 vote and included a Do Pass recommendation to the Full senate which on April 6 approved the bill by a 19 to 7 margin (with 4 excused).

The bill has been referred to the House Speakers’ desk and awaits first reading and assignment to the appropriate House Committee (very likely the House Judiciary Committee).

Representative Thuy Tran who represents the area of Portland that includes Roseway Neighborhood is a member of the House Judiciary Committee (which is chaired by Rep. Jason Kropf from Bend, OR).

Senate Bill 615 amends the existing crime of street racing to include numerous other activities that have become part of the illegal “street takeovers” that occurred twice at the NE Sandy and Fremont intersection during the summer of 2022.  A full analysis of SB 615 is found at this link.

SB 615 now has been scheduled for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on April 26 at 8:00 AM. You will be able to testify in support of SB 615 via virtual video conference at this link.

Community members concerned about the illegal street takeovers should write to Rep. Tran and urge support and passage of the bill – even as written it is a recognition that this organized illegal activity has multiple damaging effects on the community including physical danger, air pollution, noise pollution, property damage and also puts citizens at risk because emergency service vehicles can be blocked from responding to emergency medical calls (as happened with a Roseway community member who was serious injured by participants at the August incident).

Created on April 10, 2023 (Revised on April 19, 2023)

Update on May 10: SB 615-A was passed out of the Oregon House Judiciary Committee this morning with a "Do Pass" recommendation by a 8-1-1 (Rep. Morgan-naye, Rep. Bynam excused).  Rep. Dr. Thuy Tran voted with the majority.

The bill will go to the House Speaker's Desk to be read into the record and likely up for a vote some few days after that (barring a walkout).

Further Reading: This is an article on the police perspective on enforcing a street takeover.

— David Moskowitz


Community and Board Meeting May 9


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