Friends of Trees Planting in Roseway a Smashing Success!

On the last Saturday of March, a volunteer crew of 188 set out in the early drizzle of the morning to start planting trees in the Roseway and surrounding neighborhoods.  By the end of the day over 388 new trees would be added to the area with over 227 of those trees planted in Roseway alone!Each year, neighbors can sign up through Friends of Trees to purchase low cost trees for their planting strip or their general yard.  This year, however, Roseway was part of a program that gave free trees to those Roseway residents who chose to receive a planting strip tree and volunteered to help out.The turnout was overwhelming.  Even the Mayor, Sam Adams,  turned out to help plant trees on this blustery spring day.  The Roseway Neighborhood Association would like to thank the FOT Neighborhood Coordinators, volunteers and residents who made the planting a huge success this year.  Your efforts continue to help the Portland canopy grow and keep our air, water and neighborhood clean and beautiful.Learn more about friends of trees at


Roseway Cleanup Coming Soon!


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